30 years of greatness
April 15th...it's synonomous with a few not-so-great dates: Abe Lincoln's death, the Titanic sinking, and of course...Tax Day! But it also shares the day with one pretty sweet (in my not so humble opinion), my birthday! April 15, 2010 marked my 30th birthday. That's right...30. Three-zero. Wow, kinda makes me feel a little old. But at the same time, it doesn't. I've accomplished a lot in my 30 years on the ole planet and I'm at a great place in my life so who the heck cares what the number is??? I have a superbly amazing husband who I absolutely adore and admire, a wonderful family (both biological and of the in-law variety), a great group of friends, a sweet if not neurotic dog, a photography business that is building pretty quickly. Yeah, life pretty much is going swimmingly. So, here's to a great 30 years ol' girl and to the next 30...you rock!
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