Tact is not born into each of us

Last week, I had my annual exam with my doctor. You know, The Exam. Sadly, I would rather do that than go to the dentist. I hate going to the dentist and have someone rooting around in my mouth for an hour. And if you know about my trip(s) last year, you'll understand why I'm not a fan.

I made the appointment 6 weeks out with my fave doctor. She's very thorough and is very informed and interested in what I have to say or ask. I got the call 2 days before that she was taking a last minute vacation (somehow I doubt that...I think it was more along the lines of the receptionist forgot to inform me until 2 days before) and would I like to keep the appointment or reschedule. After whining about how long ago I'd made the appointment, I kept the appointment with the now scheduled nurse practioner.

Jump forward to being "covered" in a paper dinner napkin and my liver and spleen getting a "how do you do" from aforementioned NP. "Being that you're single, you really need to be careful about STD's," she said. Wait, what? Did you not read my chart at all or I don't know, notice the rings on THAT finger? Oh yeah, and thank you for assuming I'm loose. "I'm not single, I'm married," was my reply, thinking that would be the end of that. "Oh, well just because you're married doesn't mean you can't still get an STD. Men," she replied with a wink wink. OMG. You have got to be kidding me. She basically just implied that my darling other half will be cheating on me and passing on Lord only knows what kind of disease. How does one respond to that insinuation, especially when you're flat on your back and covered with a single-ply Brawny?!?

Tact. Something that not everyone has apparently.