Mental break much needed

I hit a roadblock at about 1pm today. I just didn't have the desire to do anything other than immerse myself in the book I was reading. It seemed like all of the things that I've been dealing with over the last couple of months were enough for my brain to stop and say, 'hey, give your brain a break and read the last couple chapters of this book.' Yes, I realize I was doing this on company time but I just needed a break.

Tomorrow morning, we're packing up the car and heading up to the mountains for some camping and much needed R&R. It's sad that this is the first time I've been camping this year, especially when I spent the summers of '98 through '06 up there; taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying all the great outdoorsy things Colorado has to offer. I have a camping spot all picked out; it's in a meadow with a creek running through it. I have spent many an hour there - as an adult and as a 4 year old trying to dislodge my dad's fishing lures from my curious fingers.

Everyone needs a mental break here and there. We're not meant to go non-stop at a million miles an hour. This trip is coming at a great time as the next few weeks are going to be just that: non-stop. So for this weekend, I'm going to soak in the quiet, relax in my camp chair, sleep with the tent screens open, maybe cast out a line or two and watch Finley dive into the bone-chilling 35 degree water. Here's hoping I come back a little recharged!