The world really is coming to an end

I heard news on the radio this morning that had me doing which of the following: A)gasping. B)crying out 'What?!?' at a loud decibel; C)wanting to drop to my knees in prayer had it not been for driving 65mph down the highway; or D)all of the above. D would be the winner. Now, what news had me wanting to run for my life? This particular headline: Are Spencer and Heidi pregnant?! Sweet mother of God; it really is the end of the world. Being the ever-doubtful person I am, I went to the always truthful internet (wink wink) and found this pic:
The cheesy genuine (ha!) smiles and the what-in-the-name-of-God-is-he-wearing-on-his-head hat were much more than my stomach could handle at the moment. Please let it be a publicity stunt...I just can't bear a Spencer/Heidi procreation.