Whiny Wednesday

Due to recent "developments", I've edited this post a little and deleted some things. Um, yeah.

  • The Medical Imaging Center. In an attempt to be proactive, not paranoid, I tried to make an appointment to get a mammogram. Yes, I'm only 29 and it is "young" to get one without being predisposed to the BRCA1 (breast cancer) gene, but with the statistics showing that women younger and younger are getting breast cancer, I thought I'd get the ball rolling. I called my health insurance company to see if I needed a referral from my doctor and after being told 'no', I dialed up the place my mom goes to. After giving the usual stats of name and birthday, the receptionist wanted to know why I was getting one so young. I didn't think she wanted to hear about the statistics and my effort to be proactive so I just told her that my mom got her first one done at 30 and I wanted to be conscientious about my boob health. They're small but I'd kinda like to keep them around if I can. I guess you can't be young and proactive without a note from your mama. Well, a note from your doctor at least. After I told her (3 times) that my insurance company told me I didn't need a referral, she finally told me I was too young to get one without a note from the doctor. Seriously? Apparently it's a legal issue. I'll show you a legal issue. Not that I have anything to worry about in regards to the ole ta-ta's but what's the big deal peeps! In telling her that, fine, I will get a note from my doctor and send it in to you but let's keep the original appointment you were going to give me and if I can't get a note, I'll call and cancel. Not so much. Guess the person she kept putting me on hold to talk to said, "nuh uh, not happening." So, off I go to the doctor's to get a note.
  • Xcel Energy. For the most part, this company and its services never get a second thought from me. Except when I get my latest utility bill today and it has jumped $40 from last month. What could we have possibly been doing to make it rise that much?!? We're gone from 7:30AM until 6PM and even then it's not like we're running every possibly electronic device or keeping the A/C at a steady 50 degrees. I scanned the bill for any serious discrepancies but then remembered the last time I called Xcel to "discuss" a ridiculously high bill: I was basically told to bend over and deal with it. Meaning, Xcel does nothing and doesn't care.
  • My Blackberry battery. For a phone that is used for more than just dialing somebody up, you'd think they'd include a battery that can go longer than 24 hours without being charged. It died during the day yesterday after little use to it other than checking emails and a 5 minute phone call to the Man. Last night, it had 3 1/2 battery bars left when I went to bed. This morning: completely dead. And as I write this, my phone is now turned off to save the 1/2 bar of juice I have after charging it AGAIN this morning. Stupid Blackberry Storm in your cute hot pink case...you are inconveniencing me greatly!

Happy Wednesday...ugh.