Whiny Wednesday...2 days late

Wednesday was a little busy for me, to say the least. So busy I didn't have time to complain about it until after the fact! So here we go...

  • The Red Cross seriously needs to reevaluate the personalities of the instructors they send out to do recertifications. One would think they would be super helpful and willing to answer questions. One would be wrong if they think that's what we got at work on Wednesday. While I'm sure the helpful and friendly instructors do exist at Red Cross, we sure didn't get them. No, we had Mr. Sarcastic and Patronizing and Mrs. I'm Going to Complain About Every Last Little Thing instead. Instead of answering our questions about what to do in a friendly way, we got eye rolling and "uh, hello!" and "good luck with that". Isn't it better we're asking questions instead of trying to perform CPR through someone's stomach??? And is it really necessary to spend 7 agonizing hours getting recertified in CPR and AED??? It's enough we had the Bad Attitude Twins in there, but throw in a boss who's trying to pull the infant dummy's legs off and then hanging it upside down by its legs and I was ready to go play in traffic.
  • A few certain coworkers who felt the need to whine and moan about the amount of pizza I ordered for our lunch on CPR day. I'm so terribly sorry you didn't get to have 3 or 4 slices. Get over it. Try saying 'thank you' for providing lunch for you instead of complaining about the quantity and 'what was I thinking.' Deep sighing and acting like a complete a-hole only brands you as such; I think you're a complete a-hole now and really have no use for you. Just see how fast I answer your emails and requests now bud!
  • The heat and humidity of late. Seriously, what is up with this climate change! I'm always saying how great Colorado is because the summers are tolerable because it's so dry. Um, not this year. No, apparently we're India now with the monsoons and serious humidity. Doing anything outside between the hours of 11am and 8pm turns you into a dripping puddle of sweat and dirt. I didn't even want to get in my car after volunteering Wednesday night for fear of my car smelling like a sweaty, dank manure pile afterward. Yum!