Is this a test?

Do you ever feel like you're being tested? Tested to see just how much you can take before you snap? So frustrated that you just want to pop a couple Tylenol PM's, crawl under the covers, and start over in 24 hours? Yeah, that was me yesterday afternoon.

As the day of the wedding draws even closer, the more prone I am to freaking out about small things. Yesterday, it happened to be about finding someone to do my hair the day of the wedding. For 90% of the wedding, I have done it all myself: invitations, favors, place cards, music, makeup, get the picture. But when it comes to my hair, I fully admit I am not super skilled in the art of making my hair look like the glowing bride. Were I left to my own devices, I would end up in tears and trying to make stray hairs stay up with a staple gun. So when I was given a recommendation for an "awesome" hair stylist who was super affordable, I jumped on it and gave her a call with what I was looking for. She called me back yesterday with her quote and I about croaked. Apparently I have Sucker written on my forehead because her prices were the farthest thing from affordable. Back to square one of finding someone to give me a red carpet worth 'do.

After telling the non-recession friendly stylist I'd call her back (I so will not), I left work for the day and walked up the street to where my car was parked. And was met by the ghastly sight of paint missing in large quantities from my rear bumper. I'm sure my eyes bugged out as I ran up to the car and inspected the damage of what was so obviously a "crap-I-just-hit-this-car-and-have-no-intentions-of-paying-for-this-so-I'd-better-nail-it!" Yeah, some person hit my car and left me with a serious eyesore and I am beyond mad at this point. While I try to keep my swearing to a minimum (and I rarely do anymore), a few colorful words popped out while I looked at the damage and with wishful thinking, checked to see if someone had left a note on the windshield. They had not. I wasn't shocked but in some small way was hoping that whoever hit my car, had the decency to leave a note. A note with what you may wonder? An "I'm sorry I don't know how to drive and creamed your car", a name and phone number or credit card information would have been helpful. No, none of the above. Instead, I continue to fume and get into the sweltering car and start my drive home; hoping for the sake of all other motorists and pedestrians that they don't get in my way as I was really in no mood to "share the road" and brake for pedestrians.

Don't one was hurt in my wrath.