It may rot my brain but at least it's entertained!

Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl accepts proposal from boy. Girl and boy get married and live happily ever after. That's usually how the story of love goes right? Well, at least for most people that's how it happens. Not so when it comes to the television icon, The Bachelorette. The current season (for those of you not in the know) is following Jillian on her "quest" for love. She's probably the most normal, down-to-earth girl that's been on this series of shows but certainly not the brightest when it comes to picking a great guy to spend forever after with. Or at least a few weeks with until girl and boy decide they are not made for each other and go their separate ways after getting their 15 minutes of fame.

Jillian made it to the top 3 of the previous season's, The Bachelor, and was swiftly dumped on her butt by Mr. Arent't-I-Hot-Especially-Because-I'm-A-Single-Dad, Jason. She was then recruited to be the next Bachelorette. After each season ends, I make a vow to never watch the ridiculous car crash that is the Bachelor/Bachelorette. And yet again, I got sucked in. Right away, the good guys and the morons were easy to spot. One moron in particular has me yelling and wanting to chuck objects at the TV every time his smug face comes on: Wes. This guy is from Texas and is a "country singer". I say singer loosely because his voice drives me up the wall. It's too twangy, whiny and sounds like way too many country singers. There's nothing original about it, nothing that catches my ear and leaves me thinking, "he's good." No, it usually leaves me dry heaving. And from Day 1, this moron has been honest (only to the cameras and other guys) about his intentions of being on the show: to get his "music" out there and get a record deal. Okay slime ball, good luck!

Monday's episode had one of Jillian's cast offs, and my personal fave contender, Jake come back to lay a bombshell on her lap. Wes had apparently told him that he had a girlfriend at home. Big shocker. After getting all weepy, she seemed like she was going to give Wes the boot once and far all. Especially considering it wasn't the first time the girlfriend rumors had come up. But what does she do? She keeps Wes' conniving ass and gets rid of 2 guys who don't have ulterior motives!

All the tears and heartbreak she may get due to Wes from here on out are totally her fault. But yes, I will be watching.