4th Fun and Festivities

Holiday weekends are simply divine. It usually means an extra day off of work, which I will not argue with at all. Sometimes it includes doing nothing, other times it includes flying flame balls in the sky!

Saturday was the 4th and it was wonderfully relaxing and fun. We spent most of the day at our friends' house - barbecuing (well, I didn't actually man the grill but I did partake in what came from it!), playing cards, watching the dogs run around, and just having fun overall. It was so nice to sit outside, in a yard, and just chill out. We brought Finley with us in hopes that she and Slainte could now be friends and play. They did get along pretty well but Finley was more concerned with the tennis ball she found than playing tag with Slainte. That's Finley. However, she was a seriously pooped pup all of Sunday so we were thankful.

We climbed up on the roof to watch the fireworks. I wore extremely sensible flip flops, which had I not changed into tennis shoes, would probably have sent me rolling off into the bushes. We had good views of several fireworks shows going off around the city but it wasn't until I spotted a suspicious glowing light that I really paid attention. There was a glowing orange ball in the sky and it wasn't moving. It moved very slowly, disappeared and then appeared again. This was not a plane people. Then, 5 more of these orange balls appeared but they started moving around the sky. I could not make this up if I tried and all of us were seeing the same thing. And no, I was not intoxicated. The first light disappeared but the other 5 started following each other around the sky. I don't believe in UFO's but I have no idea or explanation for what those were...it was seriously weird.

Flying orange balls o' light aside, we had a great time. No one fell off the roof, Finley did freak out with all of the fireworks going off but spent the remainder of the evening in the car to freak out privately, and we were in bed by 11. What rebels!