No, I am not lazy...I don't want to die

Coloradoans are way into bicycling. The roads are inundated with spandex-clad peddlers on their tiny road bikes that probably set them back a couple thousand dollars. No joke. Me, I have a pretty nice mountain bike that I do like to take out but definitely would not consider myself an avid biker.

Today happens to be Bike to Work Day in Denver. Last year, 35,000 people traded their car keys for their bikes and rode to work. Last year, I worked only 7 miles from work and seriously considered biking to work that day (and others) but thought better of it when I considered the roads I had to take home: 2-lane road with NO shoulder to ride on, busy highway with tons of traffic and serious hill on the way home. I hear too many of the "vehicle versus bicycle" stories on the news and knowing my luck, would've joined those ranks. While there are tons of people in Colorado that love to bike, there are just as many who cannot stand them. This is due in part to a couple of things: some people just hate anything in their way on their daily rage-filled commute to work; and there are numerous bicyclists who don't understand/practice the "Share the Road" is their road and you damn well better get outta their way.

So, when I heard that yet another Bike to Work Day had rolled around, I prepared myself for the onslaught I was sure to get for driving to work. I was given a tongue lashing a couple months ago when there was a local BTW Day going on. My response was this, "No, I did not bike to work today. I live 31 miles from way! I did not feel like getting up at 2AM to dodge numerous attempts on my life so I hopped in my gas guzzling SUV and drove today."

'Nuff said.