Some interesting things in the news...

I like watching the news as it keeps me informed and usually, entertained. There were a couple things I saw in the news today that I found worthy of a good eye-roll.

The first one are these racy photos that "surfaced" of Miss California. It's not the photos that bother me or even the fact that she's still in the media. Although, why is she still getting her 15 minutes when the pageant was weeks ago? Anyway, what bugs me is she says the photos are from her "modeling" and aren't recent...they're from when she was a teenager. I'm sorry but what parent allows their teenage daughter to have partially nude and suggestive photos taken of them? Fine if you're over 18 and out of the house but underage and you look like a hussy and I certainly would not be bringing up they were from when I was a teenager. Especially when you're teaming up with a family values campaign. Hypocricy annoys me. Again, it's not the photos that bug me, it's the whole underage Lolita thing she's got going on.

Next bit o' news is local. A woman was arrested here in Colorado for taping her boyfriend's dog to the fridge. Yes, taped. To the fridge. Apparently she was mad that he wouldn't get rid of the dog so clearly introducing Fluffy to Mr. Packing Tape was the next viable way to get back at him?!? So not only did she wrap up his muzzle and legs, but she then stuck him upside down to the fridge, a la Spiderman! Ahh, an animal lover after my own heart...