Whiny Wednesday

Time for my weekly rant 'n rave! So here they are:

  • The fact that just as I finished typing this entire post and selected all the text to change the color as I normally do, the cursor gets to the top of the page and all of my witty remarks are gone! Deleted! Things are never as funny when you have to rewrite them...
  • My poorly functioning immune system. While I was on my way to feeling normal again a week and a half ago, some minuscule germ I either ingested or stuck in my eye while rubbing it, I got sick again! Since I was still technically recovering from pneumonia, my immune system (poor at best) hadn't had a chance to get going again and of course, I came down with something that left me feeling awful and struggling to breathe. Again. As I type though, I'm feeling mild improvements over yesterday and the day before. Baby steps.
  • The guy in the Dodge Ram pickup truck who gave me a near heart attack and deliberately tried to maim me. It started with me merging in front of him as 2 lanes changed to 1, complete with blinker and room to do so. Guess this isn't what Mr. Rageaholic wanted to see and proceeded to get so close to my bumper I could only see the top portion of his windshield and keep trying to pass me on the right shoulder. This went on for 7 miles until we came to a stop light and he pulled up next to me where he proceeded to swerve into my car...twice. As if the first one didn't get his point across. I narrowly missed a couple cars and everything in my car went flying. While my heart is hemming and hawing about whether to work, I managed to get the license plate number and called the Highway Patrol. A few people gave me weird looks when I told them this but seriously, this guy has some serious anger issues and deliberately tried to hit me. If not for my cat-like reflexes, I would've been toast under his uber white-trash, lifted Dodge Ram. Now it's one thing to lay on the horn and give the finger when someone cuts you off (not that I'm condoning that behavior) but to try and run someone over for 7 miles when they merged in front of you legally??? You need therapy and a wake-up call. Although I am a little worried that I'll have another encounter with the wacko as this was on my regular route to work during rush hour.