Is the end really near?

Well, it appears that the swine flu has arrived in Colorado and as you can assume, pandemonium has struck. 2 people have been diagnosed and both are at home recovering. People are freaking out to say the least. I'll admit, I got sucked into the live webcast regarding the diagnosis' and next to the video was a chat screen. I got a serious laugh out of it. Some of the best comments were:

  • "I babysit a Mexican kid!!! I'm going to have to cancel and stop sitting him!"
  • "OMG, I had Mexican food last night!"
  • "Someone needs to find the woman who wasn't hospitalized and quarantine her!"
  • "I'm not going to go anywhere Spanish is spoken."

Wow. Really people? It baffles me the amount of ignorant people that are out there. I really hope I don't run into any of them. Yeah, it would be great if I didn't get swine flu but they're saying people are recovering from it just fine so let's ease up on the mass hysteria.