Ok everyone...on your mark, get set, panic!

I remember a few years ago, we were all supposed to grab our ankles and hold on because SARS and the Bird Flu were comin' to town! This was supposed to be the next 'big one' and it was supposed to eradicate millions. There were a few people in Asia (around 250 I believe) that died but it never reached the epic proportions it was "supposed to". You just saw photos of people in Asia running around with masks on.

Now we've got another one on our hands. This time in the form of the Swine Flu. I know it's an actual disease but seriously, who thinks these names up! "Ok guys, this one looks like it originated in an area where there's lots of office supply factories. We'll call this one the Stapler Flu." Seriously. I have yet to figure out how it gets from pigs to people. Although maybe I don't want to spend too much time visualizing that little miracle.

Now the President is telling us to "be concerned" but not panic. Riiight...good one! You know how the public is; they'll stampede right over the edge of this preverbial cliff. I'm really trying not to worry about it but it does have me a little nervous as I'm just getting over pneumonia and am not up to fighting form again yet. That and I get sick a little too frequently. I will admit it is nice to know that there is a vaccine available that can help someone if they do in fact get the Miss Piggy Flu. As for me? I'm a little skeptical that this will reach the biblical proportions they're expecting it to but just in case, I've got a canister of Lysol germ wipes next to my computer. Is it offensive to wipe some one's hand with it before you shake it?