Whiny Wednesdays

I missed a couple of Whiny Wednesdays due to my having pneumonia and secretly hoping a Mack truck would drive over me. Not likely to have happened as I was holed up on the couch...on our 3rd floor apartment. Two Wednesdays ago was my 29th birthday. What a way to spend your birthday! Wow, one year away from being 30. It does cause my eyes to bug out on occasion when I stop to think about it but I think I'll handle it okay. If I were single with no Mr. Perfect's in sight and living with 5 cats in a basement apartment, then yeah, I might really freak out. Last Wednesday was my first day back at work and it was a rough one. Luckily I have recovered and (knock on wood), am feeling much better.

So here it is...this week's Whiny Wednesday!

  • People who don't return their carts to the cart corral. I may have mentioned this one before but this drives me absolutely batty! This is the ultimate display of laziness. You somehow managed to push this 500-pound plastic wheeled beast around a grocery store for an hour yet you can't wheel its empty carcass 10 feet to a corral to keep it from taking out other vehicles and parking spots??? The one I really love is where people will drag it UP onto a rocky median so it won't roll into a car. I appreciate the thought on that but you just spent triple the calories in hauling that thing up a hill as opposed to pushing it on a zero incline to the corral. Can you tell this is probably my biggest pet peeve?
  • People traveling TO Mexico. Now I'm trying not to get all Boy in the Bubble regarding the Swine Flu but I will tell you one thing, you will not catch me going to or near Mexico anytime soon. They've discovered that the majority of the people who traveled to Mexico are coming back with it! It's one thing if you didn't know about it and unknowingly picked it up but when you're Mikey Machismo who says "ain't no swine flu gonna get me" before hopping a plane for Cabo, you're an idiot and you're only spreading the disease further when you get back, you moron.
  • Apartment living. I'm lucky to be living in a nice complex with cheap rent but when the warm weather and springy vibes start popping up, I yearn for a home with a yard. To sit in the back yard after work with something cold to drink, look up through the trees, watch Finley be terrorized by squirrels, run my bare feet through the grass. Yes, I really want a home with a yard.