1 ticket to Miseryville...

Last Sunday, I awoke with a slight cough. Knowing how my body is and what would probably happen, I took some Zycam to try and thwart the cold I was sure was coming on. Fast forward to that evening, and I was feeling more like the flu was coming on: chills, extreme body aches, headache. My darling husband ran a bath for me, complete with bubbles and a Glamour magazine. And while that seemed to help, I was still feeling somewhat miserable. Monday morning came and I was feeling even more bedraggled. After calling in sick to work and sleeping another couple hours, Dan suggested we haul my sorry self in to the doctor. And boy am I glad we did! After spending most of the visit flat out on the table and a rapid flu test, it was decided I had pneumonia. You've gotta be kidding me! It's an old person illness! But thanks to my asthma, I'm especially susceptible to getting it. Super. Lucky me.

The doc prescribed an antibiotic that is normally given via IV in hospitals...it's fast acting and super strong. It's also used to kill anthrax. No joke. Any bacteria in my body had no chance of surviving after I started taking this stuff. It gave me some serious headaches and I had to drink a ton of water to help keep the ole body running as the medication tended to mess with the body's ability to hydrate.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty miserable for me. I had a pretty good fever going which of course switched between sweats and chills, body aches, coughing up all sorts of lovely things from my lungs and an overall feeling of "I've been run over repeatedly by a Mack truck." Thankfully, I've been feeling much closer to normal that last couple days and will try going back to work on Wednesday. Kinda need to as I used up my sick days already and money is certainly not growing on trees these days! I will, however, be heading to the doctor's in a month or so to get the pneumonia vaccine as I have no intention of getting this crud again...ever!