Goodbye to a favorite

I am nothing if not a creature of habit. I find something I like and I stick with it for who knows how long. Usually when its discontinued or several years down the road, which ever comes first. A year or so ago, I become a devout lover of the Simply Orange juice. This stuff great tasting! They also make a Simply Grapefruit and my favorite, Simply Apple.

Lately, my breakfast has switched between cereal (Cheerios or something by Kashi...I'm wild) and an english muffin with a glass of the Simply Apple nectar of the gods. Until today. Over the last week or so, my stomach was none too happy after having the english muffin and juice. Nothing major, just a smidge upset. Then Monday arrived. I'd woken up late, it was snowing...already I was a little frazzled. Why shouldn't something else set me over the edge! Literally about 2 minutes after I finished my muffin and juice, I'm heading into the bedroom to pick out some outfit for work worthy of Vogue (yeah right), I get "the feeling." You know the one. The "ooo, my stomach is not feeling good and oh crap, I think I'm gonna puke!" I fly into the bathroom and while I'll spare you the gory details, Simply Apple made an encore appearance. Twice. I instantly felt better and was a-ok for the rest of the day. I decided to take a break from the normal breakfast routine for a couple days...until today. I figured Monday's bodily physics was a fluke and I was just having one of those days. I'd felt fine every other day after, so down goes the english muffin with a Simply Apple chaser. Ha, who's boss now juice! Apparently it is. Walking around taking deep breaths and trying to convince your body that it is fine and does not need to expell anything was the approach I was trying for. "Trying" being the opperative word here. This time I barely made it into the bathroom and my bangs and glasses got in the way. So it looks like that Simply Apple will now be Dan's juice of choice and I'll go with something boring like o.j. from here on out.

Mandy: 0
Simply Apple: 2