The elusive lunch break

I have been working at my current job for almost 2 months now. I have my own office, complete with a real door and window...imagine that! Hey...I've never had an actual office's always been cubes of some size and sort. During my lunch, I like to have "me" time: read a book or magazine, peruse the Internet for some useless piece of info, or make phone calls to fix things; like calling Chase to see if they can try and get a 3rd debit card to me...this time with the right name on it.

However, in these almost 2 months, I have yet to enjoy the full 30 minutes I'm allotted. No joke, I'm lucky if I get 10. Someone is always barging in when I have a mouthful of food or have my cell phone to my ear in what is obviously a personal call. This irritates me to no end honestly. Instead of barging (and I mean barging without knocking) in my office while I'm quite obviously trying to enjoy any semblance of a lunch, knock, poke your head in and tell me you'll come back when I'm done eating. Please do not hand me a stack of papers while I'm shoveling in salad and tell me you need it done soon. Please do not march yourself into my office when I'm discussing somewhat important personal matters on my cell phone and proceed to start talking to me about what you need me to do. I seriously wonder about the lack of manners in some people. I see people on the phone and I go back to my office to wait until they're done; I see people eating and I don't pick this opportunity to ask you to do something for me.

Next time, I'm going to come into the bathroom and ask you about the upcoming Board meeting.