Time well spent?

I've taken a much needed and enjoyed break from blogging, aside from my photography blog, which is always going to be updated. But this personal one took a backseat for awhile. A month ago, I was dealing with some issues, if you want to call them that, and taking the time to deal with them and put the keyboard to rest was what I needed. I was blessed with meeting someone (not romantically, sheesh!) that helped put me back on track to a happier self. While I know that it isn't as easy as a snap of the fingers, I have noticed a big difference in how I'm handling things and my overall outlook on things. Basically, I'm getting back to how I was. Yeah, I still have "moments" where I get annoyed and mad but that's life. I didn't morph into Rainbow Brite...I just got rid of some demons on my back.

With that being said, I've become extremely aware of the amount of Negative Nancies running around. Good grief, were they always around or am I just noticing them now that I'm feeling happier? One blog in particular I follow (and have been for over a year now) has quite possibly the biggest bunch of haters following her blog. And they're taking it to a beyond low level: calling her a bad mother, saying she's a greedy child-exploiting monger, bringing to light domestic issues she had with her husband, and the list goes on and on. Yes, you get to "know" someone through their blog but my word, get a life! What I find funny and ironic is the nay sayers go on and on ad nauseum about how much they dislike her and call her basically a lying human being; that they don't like the way she writes things or what she posts. If you hate her so much, why are you taking the time to follow her blog and comment on her goings on? And it's HER blog...not yours folks. I think she can write whatever she wants...or I may be wrong...you do know her better! Have you nothing better to do than try and make her feel as miserable as you obviously feel? My only guess is that these people are so unhappy in their own life that they feel it's their "calling" to try and bring her down to their miserable level. Seriously, how much time do you have on your hands? I'd love some of that free time! Okay...rant over :)

Now I'm going back to my life that I feel is blessed and for which I'm extremely thankful for! Peace out Murky Dismal!