Had yourself a Merry little Christmas!
This year's Christmas was a good one, I'd say. The last couple of months have been a bit of a rollercoaster; what with the husband having to go back to work...in Pennsylvania of all freaking places (thank you crappy economy). While it is beyond sucky that he is almost 2,000 miles away from me, we are thankful that he has a job and isn't just another unemployed statistic. It's a temporary situation and I'm trying to stay upbeat about it. Yes, even behind the plasticky grin I put on at work when talking about how grateful we are for the opportunity are the moments when I want to put my fist through a wall thinking about how much I hate being separated from my husband. It really sucks.
With that little moment being said, I was excited for this year's Christmas as it would a couple of firsts: first Christmas as a little married couple and first Christmas I did some major decorating. Well, as major as you can get in a 3rd floor apartment with 2 windows and a balconey. Woo hoo! I even bought a live tree from Lowe's. While I'm all for supporting the small, local businesses, I am not all for supporting spending $60 on a tree that is taller than me that I will then have to haul up 3 flights of stairs by use of Finley in a harness. Sorry. I went to Lowe's because I know they have the smaller (read: cheaper) trees that are better suited to being thrown into the back of the Jeep and then carried by yours truly upstairs alone since the husband is in stupid PA. The 5 foot Nordic Fir (how exotic!) I wrangled home was about as heavy as I wanted to go. There was some serious huffing and puffing going on when I got it to the door. I brought it in, set it up in its stand and voila! We have tree. Made me glad the Finster is a girl so I don't have to worry about her marking her territory all over Charlie Brown's tree.
I waited to do the decorating until the husband came home. I know, a very cute coupley activity.We only did the front of the tree since the back was shoved into a corner, thanks to a slightly cramped apartment and oversized furniture. Finley tried to help, as she always does when it comes to any activity that involves sitting on the floor. She still thinks she is appropriately lap size...she is not.
With the tree all done, all we had to do was wait until Christmas was upon us. I took off all of Eve off to spend with the husband and do coupley things. I believe we visited Walmart...how domestically exotic...and insane of us to go on Christmas Eve. I wanted to murder someone...or myself. I suppose the one thing I do really get most excited about when it comes to Christmas, is the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church. This year would be the first year I would not be going to my parent's church, the one I'd attended for the last 11 or 12 Christmases. There were a few reasons for this, one of them being my younger brother was infected with the Swine Flu. Oh, I'm sorry...H1N1...gotta stay politically correct. And while I love my brother, I did not want to get within 3 counties of Swine Flu. My immune system is lacking most of the time and I did not want to partake in anything swine. So off we went to our church, which I'm a huge fan of and we were not disappointed. I got all gussied up (yes, I used gussied) in my finest Forever21 dress and some Louboutin's because every Colorado girl knows that they are great to wear in the snow! Great traction! Not so much. I was walking around like a 90 year old with a new hip. But you have to suffer for fashion sometimes.
The service was pretty awesome and we headed home to open some gifts but not before making a stop at the culinary experience that is Taco Bell. We roll high class 'round these parts.
After having been laid off last winter and taking a job with an, ahem, lower salary, my gifts to husband were not as extravagant or numerous as last year BUT they were all bought with love. He's pretty fashionable and I did manage to find him some pretty sweet plaid golf pants that I might steal if they were a little smaller. Lucky him. Among the sweet gifts the husband got me: skeleton key necklace from Tiffany's I mentioned months ago and new camera and lenses to kick start my photography business,was a gift to both of us from Santa. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I think Santa made a mistake in his tag labeling. It was clearly a gift for one specific person. I did give an "I'm so shocked" look for the camera though.
We had a wonderful Christmas, just the 2 of us, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was nice to spend time together. I mean, I married this guy...I like to be around him a lot. Go figure! We took quite a few pictures, including the obligatory arm-way-out-self-picture picture,and a few of Finley that I'm sure are causing her to consider killing me in my sleep for putting her through the things I do. She doesn't like to model.
I hope you all had as great a Christmas as we did!
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