Pet peeve

I missed my Whiny Wednesday post. Well, skipped it because I didn't really have anything to whine about. But today, I thought of something although it's just more of a pet peeve. What is it exactly that gets me all riled up? I peruse through Craigslist on occasion and cruised over to the Pet section where I was met with ad upon ad of people "having to move and have to get rid of the dog", "I just don't have the money for a dog". Or, "having a baby and must get rid of dog". Um, what? I'm sorry, but these are just excuses to get rid of the dog that they don't want to deal with anymore. Plain and simple. Yes, there are cases of people where they have to move in with ailing relatives and dog would complicate things, or they're relocating for work and will be living out of motels. But the majority of people are just tired of dealing with the dog. I counted and have moved 7 times since I've had Finley and not once have I ever thought of getting rid of her. I've heard the excuse, "it's too expensive to live in a pet friendly apartment!" Actually smart guy, apartments that allow pets are usually cheaper than apartments that don't allow pets. A lot of the trendy downtown lofts and apartments that don't allow pets cost you a screaming arm and leg in rent.

I've heard of a lot of people getting rid of their pets because "they cost too much money". Dogs really don't cost that much to take care of. I have been at both ends of the income spectrum and never once had problems taking care of my dog or fathomed the thought of getting rid of her to give me a little more cash flow. Yes, the Finster gets some of the best food on the market(mainly because the cheaper stuff will drive you out of a room with her, ahem, digestion issues), I prefer the holistic/natureopathic approach when she needs it, and she gets all her necessary shots and vaccines each year. If it came down to it and money was really tight, I'd put her on a cheaper food and take her to the low-cost vaccine clinics. Yes, you too can be low income and have a dog too! Try laying off the McDonald's drive-thru everyday and you'd be surprised what it does to your cash flow, genius.

And for those getting rid of their pets because a baby is coming into the household....this irritates me too. I've heard a litany of reasons: cat will smother the baby (yes, they're that sadistic!), the dog could attack the baby (if you have any visions of having a baby, do not get a dog that doesn't like kids), I don't have the time (how much time are you spending on your dog to begin with?). Dogs really don't take up that much of your time. Trust me. I have one of the most hyperactive, energetic, in-your-face, playwithmeplaywithmeplaywithme dogs on the planet and taking care of her doesn't leave me strapped for time. Imagine the thought of walking your dog and pushing your baby in the stroller. At the same time. Oh the horror! Yes, there are some dogs who just don't like kids and I don't suggest getting a non-kid friendly pooch if you envision procreating. But by and large, dogs love babies and kids. They're gentle with them, they consider them another member of the pack, and they become their personal body guards.

If you're still not swayed, I'll leave you with these "horrendous" images of how the two just don't mix.