Where has the time gone?

If I stop and think about what day it really happens to be at the time, I then trip over the thought of, "what have I been doing for the last week/month since I last had this thought!" They say 'time flies when you're having fun'. I say, 'time flies when you're living life'.

I have 10 months until I hit the big 3-0. Holy moley, I don't think I'm prepared for this! I just found my first gray hair the other day and now I'm being hit with that milestone??? I have 3 and a half months until the wedding and while I have the majority of it done and taken care of, there's the little things that will probably creep out of the woodwork the last week that will cause me to hyperventilate, freak out, have Dan give me the look he gives when I'm doing just that. It's been a year since I decided to pack up my life, hand over custody of the Finster to my parents, fill the Jeep up and head out to live the motel lifestyle with Dan. It was a hard decision and has thrown many many "items" our way but my life is already mapped out for me and I'm just along for the ride. I just hope "taken out by bus" is not on the map!

I make sure to take the time to enjoy life, as cheesy as it sounds. So many people don't do it; they're so caught up in their 90-mph lifestyle and blow past anything meaningful. It's listening to the Red wing Blackbirds' song when I take Finley out to do her thing; sitting on our cramped balcony and enjoying the sun and mountains in the distance; the smell of grass; the sound of rain bouncing off Finley's head this morning, even though I was not happy with her for taking forever to do her thing and then decide she didn't want to!

While I may not lead a luxurious lifestyle, I can sit back and say at least I lived.