Missing you tears

Today at church, while waiting for Dan to talk with the pastor, I noticed some family dynamics that brought tears to my eyes. There were 2 girls, probably in their early 20's, and their grandmother. They were holding hands and swinging them back and forth. Then, each holding a hand as they walked back outside. It was all I could do not to start gushing tears as I watched them and I'm sure they thought I was crazy if they happened to notice this.

My grandmother passed away from cancer, right before Christmas of 2003. It was 6 short weeks from diagnosis to her passing and it was extremely difficult for all of us. She was so incredibly smart, witty and had a great sense of humor; even til the end. I was reminded of her so much in seeing this lady with her granddaughters and was saddened by the fact that my own grandmother will not be there to witness Dan and I get married in September. At least not in person anyway. She will be there, watching over us, I'm sure.