I'm dreaming of a kitchen!

Living in an apartment makes you realize a few things: the designers suck at incorporating anything resembling storage into the floor plan, living on the top floor is not all it's cracked up to be, and you really could learn to love mowing a lawn. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: living in an apartment is not my cup o' tea. However, don't think I'm not thankful for having a nice place with affordable rent because Lord knows, I certainly am in these current economic times! But man, what I would do to have a kitchen that can fit Dan, Finley and I in it. At the same time! And seriously, what is with the cabinets? They are designed so poorly in terms of space. And there's not enough of them! It's like they were made for people living in a dollhouse. And then there's the cabinets over the stove. You have to do a "crack it open an inch and slowly open" maneuver or you risk getting cracked in the dome with the hand mixer. Yes, I will be a happy, happy girl when I have a kitchen that allows me to put things away neatly as opposed to doing a toss-and-slam move.