Whiny Wednesdays

Yes, it's time for my weekly complain-fest...Whiny Wednesdays! Actually not too much to whine about this week as it has been a good one.

  • People in my apartment complex who do not clean up after their dogs. This is right up there on my list of pet peeves...no pun intended. It's simple really: you own a dog, you pick up its poop. If this is beneath you, then don't own a dog. No it's not the most glamorous activity but I do it and so should you!
  • The crazy lady at the bus station. My work is giving me a free RTD pass so I can ride the bus to and from work and the Light Rail if I so desire to get downtown Denver. Driving 64 miles roundtrip 5 days a week is a little taxing so having someone else drive for me will be divine. And the people on the bus during the week are usually commuters like me. I digress! I'm picking up my pass and a woman in front of me pitches a full-on hissy fit because she doesn't like the photo on her replacement pass. Will not accept it. Wants another photo taken. States that she took 20 minutes putting her makeup on that morning so that she could get a new photo taken. After seeing her application job, not something I would brag about.
  • The insanely crazy drivers on my drive to and from work. I'm talking swerving across 3 lanes of traffic, doing 85, and almost taking off bumpers of everyone you pass. My drive is very scenic and I cannot enjoy it due to the fact that I have to constantly watch out for Road Rage Ronny in his Hyundai.

Wow, only 3 and they weren't that major! Happy Wednesday all!