Whiny Wednesdays

I really don't like to complain out loud. Yes we all have our moments of "you've got to be kidding me's!" but maybe if I write them down once a week, I'll be less inclined to voice them aloud. So here it goes, I'm starting the Whiny Wednesday! I know, I'm so clever it leaves you speechless.

  • My windshield...it cracked again. In 2 places. They seem to have started as one chip and went in two different directions but now one of them seems to be arcing back toward the other. I worry they'll create a circle and my windshield will bust out a 6" circle while I'm driving. Probably during one of these storms we're supposed to have this week.
  • My fellow apartment dwellers. There are several residents in the complex that use their balconies as a storage unit/dumpster. It's so beyond trashy and this complex is anything but. However, they are turning it into a low-class ghetto. Okay, not really but I totally hate it and it bugs me to no end. I'm talking kids bicycles, empty boxes, plastic play centers (you know, the kitchens we all had in the 80's), rugs; you name it, it's there.
  • The 5 day work week. I'm seriously all for the 4-day work week. I will totally work 10 hour days so I can get a 3 day weekend. 2 days is not enough to do all my errands and then actually enjoy the not working.
  • My hair. I had the awesomely amazing idea to cut my hair all off last summer a la Victoria Beckham. Which I loved for awhile and then realized how much I love long hair. And being able to pull it back. It is not growing at the rate I prefer...i.e. an inch a day. Also, I tend to look at girls with long hair wistfully and they tend to think I'm checking them out. I'm not...I'm looking at their long hair and thinking, "why oh why did I cut my hair and why won't you grow back now?!?". I am not thinking, "how you doin' "
  • My right foot. I dropped a glass lid on my bare foot last night, causing me to scream out, maybe utter an inappropriate word or two. Now I have needle like pains in my big toe when I put weight on it. Not normal or feeling good.

That's enough whining for now. I feel better.