Count to ten and try not to punch the steering wheel...

Have you ever noticed no one ever has a "Wednesday" or a "Thursday"? Mondays are the day when things go noticeably wrong. Today was totally one of those days. Stumbling into the living room to see that it was snowing profusely instantly brought a groan and a hauling out of the snow boots, which had been put away a couple days ago after the monumental storm that came through. There's nothing like walking the dog at 6:30 in the morning, with snow pellets whipping at your face. At least Finley seemed to realize that Mom did not want to stand around while she found the perfect "spot".

Back inside after starting the dishwasher and making a breakfast of English muffin and apple juice, I head into the bedroom to get ready. And realize that all is not well in the ole tummy. Cue the reproduction of my breakfast. Twice. I hate barfing, hate it. But then again, who does enjoy it? It's been at least 2 or 3 years since I last did it...haven't missed it. I did feel better instantly but was worried I'd be doing it on the drive to work. Visualizing what would happen if I tried to a)pull over quickly while doing 60mph or b)open the window and barf while doing 60mph had me freaked out. Wouldn't that be a pretty picture?

Feeling better and trudging into the biting snow in my oh-so-snazzy snow boots with my mug of freshly made (but overflowing and boiling into the burner earlier because I forgot about it while putting on makeup) chai in hand, I set the mug on my center console and toss bag (filled with lunch and shoes) and purse into the passenger seat. Getting into the drivers seat, I reach back to grab something and knock the mug backwards. Out goes the chai onto the freshly cleaned seats and carpet. Out come the one or two colorful words. Reaching for the box of tissues to start sopping up the mess, I realize that a lot of the chai was absorbed by the tissues as it went into the box. So now I can't even clean up the mess as the tissues are now all drippy, light-brown globs. I found 1 good tissue and attempted to clean up a floor mat but just threw it down as it was doing next to no good. Fine, I'll just start driving to work and pray it gets better from here on out.

Last week, my windshield cracked 12 inches...right down my line of vision. Followed by a 4 inch snake to the right. About 20 minutes into the drive today, I realize that there are 2 6-inch cracks making their appearance on the right side of the windshield. Seriously, what is the deal with the windshield?!? I had no idea there were any chips over there! Knowing how the day was going, there probably weren't. I'm guessing my windshield was like, "watch this...she's totally going to lose it! Crack crack crack! Wait, one more...crack!" And while it may not seem like a huge deal, just get it replaced with your insurance company, you may be thinking; Progressive does not offer glass coverage in Colorado. Period. Glass companies make a killing here due to the windshields that are constantly getting replaced. No glass coverage means I could be shelling out anywhere from $800 to $1,000. Not a chance when I'm saving for a taxes AND a wedding in 5 months. I'm just hoping it decides to stay put until I can either change insurance companies or after the wedding. And if it decides to go, please don't happen on a Monday...I don't think I could take it.