Apparently the customer is not always right

Last night, Dan and I met up with our uber-awesome wedding photographer, Julie, so they could finally meet, and also to discuss the timeline for the day of the wedding. I'm super excited for the wedding for so many reasons: to share our love for each other with our family and friends (cue awww-ing and eye rolling), to see all the hard work of crafty time in its finalized form, to get to dress up like a total girl, and to see what awesome photos we get at the end of it. I'll admit it...I'm probably most excited for that. I won't lie. Anyway, I digress...big shocker.

We headed over to this newish restaurant in the Highlands called Root Down. It's an old tire & lube center converted into a restaurant. It had a hip, trendy vibe inside with cool decor. Although the lighting left a little to be desired. I'm near blind anyway so throw in some low lighting and light colored font on the menu and who knows what I'll end up ordering! Julie only stayed for a drink and some wedding discussion and we stayed for dinner. Both choosing the smaller (and cheaper) portion of the beef tenderloin, our waiter took the order and so we waited and waited for the food. It arrived and was beyond delicious, obviously a good choice. A good choice until the bill came. Mr. not-attentive-to-his-customers-at-all-while-they-were-eating had given us the larger portion and charged us accordingly. No biggie I thought, we'll just tell him he charged us the wrong price, he'll correct it and off we go. Not so much. There is nothing worse than someone telling you you're wrong and flat out lying to save their rear. The conversation went something like this, "I asked for the smaller portion." "No, you didn't. If you don't say what size, we automatically give you the bigger portion." "I did ask for the smaller portion and you said okay." "No, you didn't. Don't know what to tell you." You don't know what to tell me? How about "Really? I don't recall that but I'll fix it for you." Okay, I know I'm forgetful at times but I know I asked for the smaller portion...specifically remember it and remember him saying 'okay'! And even if I hadn't asked for the smaller portion, wouldn't you as a wait-person ask what size you wanted if that dish was offered in 2 sizes??? However, I wasn't going to make a scene with this guy...even if it would've saved us $30 on our bill. I'm not a scene maker. Please stop rolling your eyes...I'm really not. Yes, I make comments to people when they cut in line, totally knock into me, or drop an F-bomb in the line at Target (said dropper was a 10 year old punk in training...he needed to hear he was a punk and had no class). But I don't make scenes...not worth the sky-rocketing blood pressure I get afterward.

But the free drink coupon we got on our way out made me feel soooo much better for paying extra on something I didn't want...not.