Likes and dislikes
Getting to know each other is fun, isn't it? Below is a list of things about me: 40 things I like and 20 things that bug me! What do you like and what bugs you???
- Chick Fil-A
- The early morning, right before the sun comes up.
- The way Finley will curl up into a little ball and peek up at you without moving.
- Shoes! I really need a shoe closet.
- Forever21
- Super their grocery section!
- Cooking. I should specify: cooking for other people.
- Riding up a chair lift.
- Snowboarding; especially on a powder day. Oh my, love that feeling!
- Ptarmigan Lake.
- Taco Bell. Yes, I like but I always order the same thing: 2 Double Decker tacos with Fire sauce.
- Laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
- Taking Finley swimming.
- Hugs from Dan.
- Dark chocolate covered cranberries from Whole Foods.
- Whole Foods itself!
- The sound of running water.
- The mountains.
- The Container Store!
- Fireworks.
- Reading outside.
- A fresh blowout. My hair never looks that good when I do it!
- Pedicures, especially with a massaging chair. Heaven!
- Going to bed with the windows open in winter. Pair that with a down comforter and a feather bed and you've got magic!
- Comfy, plush socks.
- Beanies.
- Walking in the forest when it snows. Deafening silence.
- Animals. Pretty much all of them. I almost went to vet school at CSU.
- Dancing. Girl got rhythm!
- Sushi.
- Hammocks.
- The east coast during fall. Colorado doesn't get those beautiful colors.
- My mom's lasagna.
- My insanely smart/crazy/hyper/loving/funny pup, Finley.
- Sappy, romantic movies that make me cry.
- Fall weather. Crisp and cold mornings, just enough warmth.
- Photography. Doing it, looking at it, all of it.
- My new "hobby" of painting.
- Hot pink anything.
- Dan. He's pretty great overall.
- People who can't put their grocery carts in the cart corral and either leave them next to their car, in the empty space next to them (so no one can park in it), or spend 1,000 calories hauling it up on the median.
- Laziness.
- Humidity. It's suffocating and does bad things to my curly hair.
- Flying. I really don't enjoy it the older I get.
- Having asthma. It really sucks although I count my blessings that I don't have to use an inhaler daily.
- People who can't park: take up 2 spots, crookedly, rightnextomydoorsoIcan'tgetout.
- Rudeness. It's not necessary.
- Olives. The 1 thing I will. Not. Eat. Period.
- Those that are judgemental, with or without knowing me.
- Those that are fake. Just don't talk to me if you can't be nice to my face.
- My neighbors; never have anything positive to say when I ask how they are everyday.
- Snarky comments.
- Kids that run around public places acting like hoodlums: screaming, knocking over displays, swearing, knocking into people, etc.
- When my toaster decides to char something when it made it golden brown the day before.
- Aggressive drivers. I don't enjoy the near heart attacks you give me.
- A messy kitchen.
- Being talked down to. I'm not an idiot, I wasn't born yesterday, and I did manage to get to work all by myself!
- Rush hour traffic...ugh.
- Know it alls. You don't.
- Those that look down on people who have different views than theirs. Respect that people are different.
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