I think I'll be a pop star!

I have satellite radio in my Jeep and I usually listen to it on my commute to work in the morning. Afternoon drive home is saved for my fave dj's, Slacker and Steve, who regularly have me trying not to pee my pants or ram the guy in front of me because I'm laughing so hard. Anyway, I digress. I do that regularly. I'm driving along through Boulder, keeping my eye out for some overpaid yahoo in an overpriced sports car to cut me off when I actually listen to the song playing. I thought it was Britney Spears at first. Yes, I know Britney Spears when I hear her. You do too, don't lie. And you've probably owned at least one of her albums at some point in her wacky career. I hit the Info button on my stereo and I learn that this particularly tarty sounding chica is Kaci and the song is Crazy Possessive. Seriously? Then I start listening to the lyrics and I'm literally dropping my jaw. The title really says it all but it's about a girl whose friend is flirting with her man. And how she's going to basically lay the smack down on her friend. But the lyrics are ridiculous! "Touch my man again and I'm gon' ***k you up, I'm gon' ***k you up, I'm gon' ***k you up!" Yes, the little asterisks actually were not said in the song but you knew exactly what was being said because the last letter of the word was said.

I can't believe this chick got a record deal and who the heck wrote this crap? Hell, I could do that! Although I don't think people would want to hear about grocery shopping, annoying apartment life, and cleaning up my dog's poop. Probably wouldn't make it on the top 40...