
I AM … always working on bettering myself.
I WANT… a shoe closet! Hey, we all have the 'want list'!
I HAVE … to stop thinking about purchasing the uber-cute Betsey Johnson dress I found's not meant to be (it's a size too big)
I KEEP … clothes too long that I rarely wear.
I WISH I COULD … buy the house with the beautiful kitchen I saw online :(
I HATE … gossipping and back-stabbing
I FEAR … my asthma.
I HEAR … the birds when I'm outside and know a few of them by their song.
I DON’T THINK … I will always be dragged down by my asthma.
I REGRET … when my temper appears.
I LOVE … Dan more than anything; I'm truly blessed.
I AM NOT … ready to be a mom yet but will throw myself 110% into it when I am.
I DANCE … like I should be on Dancing with the Stars...the good stars!
I SING … very well and on key but am shy to belt it out in front of others.
I NEVER … let my dog lick my mouth...eww, gross!
I RARELY … leave Target for under $50.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … anything sad or sappy...proposals, weddings, deaths, pets dying...I'm a mess.
I AM NOT ALWAYS … patient.
I HATE THAT … I get more worked up about people blatantly cutting me off in traffic than I should.
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT … how my old health insurance company thinks I'm in the wrong regarding several bills.
I NEED … my alone time reading magazines at the book store.
I SHOULD … relax about all my medical bills and know that everything will work always does.