
Call it my worriers nature or a sixth sense but when my phone rang last night and saw it was my mom's cell phone, I felt nervous answering the phone. My mom proceeds to tell me that she and my dad are on the way to the hospital as my brother, Josh, had been shot. Not exactly something you expect to hear...ever, so it sent my head reeling. Where? Is he OK? How did this happen? I didn't get much information out of my mom initially and had to wait another hour before I heard from her again. He'd been camping in the mountains with friends and he and another guy were shooting targets when the "friend" dropped his rifle and it went off...into Josh's ankle. His ankle is shattered and the bullet is still inside, due to being in small pieces and too troublesome to remove. Josh will be okay but will be on crutches for 6 weeks and they'll need to watch for infection. My mom, on the other hand, is not doing as well. I can't imagine what it's like to get that phone call and wonder what's going on as you make the 45-minute trek to the hospital. The emotions a mother has for her child, especially when someone maims them with a gun, run extremely high. It's not helping that people are telling her not to be upset with the kid who shot my brother. Yes, it was an accident and I'm sure he feels horribly but for a mother, it's a little different when being irresponsible meets firearms. I can't say I wouldn't feel the same way in her shoes. I wish people would stop giving her such a hard time and put themselves in her shoes as a parent. I'm just praising God for it only being his ankle and not something much worse. I'm extremely grateful but still extremely shaken up to have gotten that call.